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Tastasale and Salamella

HomeThe fresh cold cutsTastasale and Salamella


Tastasale Salamella It consists of fresh salami paste. It takes its name after a local tradition, which consists is cooking a small portion of pasta during the home processing of the pig in order to control the salting of it. It is a fundamental ingredient for several traditional dishes such as “bigoli col consiéro” or “risotto col tastasàl”, it can also be directly cooked on the grill, layed out on oiled parchment paper.
Available in vacuum sealed packages of 0.3 to 0.5 kg.
Other sizes available on request, as well as the garlic seasoned version. To be consumed after careful cooking.


Traditionally stuffed in sheep’s gut, salamella is distinguished from sausage by its thinner diameter and its more delicate dough . Available in packages of 2 kg. Available on request in vacuum sealed packages, also of different weight. To be consumed after careful cooking.

The fresh cold cuts

Aged cold cuts
